Doshas and Animals

February 22, 2023 2 min read

Doshas and Animals
When we learn about Ayurvedic principles, we start to see Ayurveda everywhere. Ayurveda in nature, Ayurveda in foods, Ayurveda in animals, in the weather….

Many people love to identify the Doshas with different animals. This can be very fun to do and a great way to understand the different qualities of Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Try and see the qualities below in your animals at home.

Qualities of Vata: Dry, cold, light, mobile, subtle, rough, irregular.

Qualities of Pitta: Hot, sharp, penetrating, slightly oily, fast, irritable, liquid.

Qualities of Kapha: Slow, heavy, cool, dense, soft, oily, sticky, cloudy, liquid, sweet, stable, wet.

Let’s see a few animals representing the qualities mentioned above.

Elephants: generally provoke feelings of positivity and gentleness for most people. They are known for their incredible memory, strong physical presence and sensitive nature. They’re also known to be quite affectionate and loving creatures. These are all characteristics of the Kapha dosha. They have a heavy and stable structure.

Tiger! First thing you tend to notice is their sharp eyes, they have a strong, piercing focus. A strong body and physical stamina. Concentration skills for hunting, protecting and are very fast. You definitely don’t want to irritate a tiger.

Monkey: The highly mobile, flexible, long-limbed monkey. Unpredictable nature. Walking around and they can sneakily steal your food, wallet, phone, everything really! Playful and creatively intelligent.

What other animals do you associate with each of the doshas? We would love to hear.

These are very generalised observations meant to invoke thoughts about the Doshas. Even though we mentioned a tiger would be quite Pitta in nature, can you see its kapha side too?

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