Ayurvedic Hair Oils

November 11, 2019 1 min read

Regular head massage with Ayurvedic oils helps to encourage relaxation and sound sleep, hair growth and healthy colour. Below is a brief introduction to a few of our favourite hair oils available in the shop!

Bhringaraja Thailam

A few of the key ingredients include the herbs bhringaraj and amalaki. Particularly useful in cooling the head, calming the mind, ?encouraging a healthy, dandruff free scalp and preventing premature greying.

Nilibhringadi Thailam

Bhringaraj, Nili, and yashtimadhu are three of the key herbs used in this oil. It has a base of coconut and sesame oil that encourages beautiful shine ☀️ and improves split ends.

Kuntalakanti Thailam

In addition to Bhringaraj, Nili, and amalaki, Kuntalakanti Thailam is a mixture of 9 other Ayurvedic herbs. Great for preventing excessive hair fall and premature greying.

Soul Tree Hair Oil

Contains both Amalaki and Brahmi, great for strengthening and thickening the hair as well as calming the mind.

These oils and more available in the Lakshmi Ayurveda shop! If you have any questions about which oils are most suitable for you, you are welcome to call/text 0406 810 547. The shop is open Monday to Saturday from 9am-3pm, you are welcome to come in and visit. We hope you have a great day and looking forward to seeing you at Lakshmi Ayurveda