Dhanyaka Hima/Coriander Infusion

November 14, 2023 2 min read

Dhanyaka Hima/Coriander Infusion
Full Moon is the best time to prepare Dhanyaka Hima/ Coriander infusion.

Hima is a cold infusion also known as sheeta kashayam in Ayurveda.
A herb is kept in 6 times the amount of water for a whole night. The next morning the herbs are filtered through a cloth and this is called Hima.

This is done with herbs which can loose their active principles by heating and for those dravyas/herbs Hima kalpana/ cold infusion preparation is mentioned.

You will need
1. 25gm of Coriander sends. Coriander is called Dhanyaka in Sanskrit
2. 150 ml of pure water

How to make it:
1. Crush the Coriander/ Dhanyaka seeds in a coarse powder using a mortar and pestle
2. Add 6 x the amount of water (150ml).
3. Keep it overnight in a pot (earthen pot is best). Ideal is moonlight to add more cooling energy to it.
4. The next morning mix the seeds and water with your hands then strain through a muslin cloth.

Ayurvedic properties: 
Rasa/taste: kashaya/ astringent, tikta/ bitter
Guna/ qualities: laghu/ light, snigdha/ unctuous
Virya/ potency: ushna/ hot
Vipaka/ post digestive taste: madhura/sweet
Effect on Dosha: Tridoshahara, balances all the three Doshas (Vata,Pitta,Kapha)

Take 10 to 30 mls, 2-3 x daily, can be taken with honey

Useful : for thirst, relieves burning sensation, pitta disorder, indigestion, abdominal pain, clears srotas (bodily channels), in fever, indigestion, worm infestation

Reference Sharangdhara Samhita
Praataha Saasharkaro peyo himo dhaanyaka
Antardaaham mahaa thrishnam jayet sroto

Translation: Dhanyaka Hima/ cold infusion of coriander seeds should be drunk in the morning with a little quantity of sugar (you can use coconut sugar) to get relief from burning sensations and excessive thirst. It also cleanse and detoxes all the bodily channels.

For any more questions on how to prepare Dhanyaka hima you are welcome to email us in info@lakshmiayurveda.com.au

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