Golden Milk

June 20, 2023 1 min read

Golden Milk
The main ingredient of golden milk is Turmeric, along with a number of other spices. Turmeric is Haridra in Sanskrit, which literally means yellow because of the yellow pigment found in the rhizomes of this much-talked wonder herb. Stirred in the pure white of the milk, turns in a golden colour with so many benefits for our well-being, especially when mixed with black pepper. 

Here at the clinic, we have created our own Lakshmi Golden Milk mix - a delicious drink to help satisfy any sweet craving you may have especially after dinner. Considered an anupana, milk helps carry herbs and medicines, such Turmeric, deep within the channels of the body.

Try this mix before bed to help relax into sleep. 

Simply add the mixture to a milk of your choice and bring to a very gentle boil. Remove from heat. You can add a small amount of ghee and stir. 

#ayurvedatreat #goldenmilk #turmeric #blackpepper #healingspices #haridra #lakshmigoldenmilk #lakshmiayurveda #ayurvedaperth