Dhanyamla Dhara Treatment

November 02, 2022 1 min read

Dhanyamla Dhara Treatment
Dhanyamla Dhara is an authentic Ayurvedic treatment used in the treatment of many Vata and Kapha-type conditions associated with AMA (digestive toxins). This includes and is not limited to Rheumatoid arthritis, improving blood circulation, relieving burning sensations, body aches and improving skin complexion.

During this treatment, the fermented liquid is poured in a constant and rhythmic stream over the body or specific body part.

Fermented liquid?

The Dhanyamla is made following the classical recipe from the Sahasrayoga. The ingredients include rice, rice flakes, horse gram, puffed rice, little millet, kodo millet, ginger, lime and Ajamoda.

To learn more about our treatment offerings, you are welcome to visit our website for more information. The link to view is in our bio.

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