Incompatible Foods - Let’s look at Smoothies.

November 02, 2022 1 min read

Incompatible Foods - Let’s look at Smoothies.
In Ayurveda, the concept of Viruddha Ahara, incompatible food combinations, is very important in shaping our diet. Ayurvedic wisdom provides clear guidelines on which foods should and should not be eaten together. As the quote mentions, consuming incompatible foods can have an impact on our digestive fire and generate toxins within the body.

In the west, there is an obvious love for smoothies and juices. While we too agree that there are nutritional benefits of consuming juices and smoothies, we are very specific on how they should be consumed.

Check out a few common improper food combinations below.

    1. Milk and banana? This is a no-no in Ayurveda.

    1. Yoghurt and fruit? NO!

    1. Milk and fruits. Especially sour fruits!

    1. Lemon and yoghurt. Nope

    1. Melon with other foods. Melon alone or not at all!

Our Rules for Smoothies:

    • NO ICE! Room temperature smoothies only.

    • Only consume when your digestive fire is strong.

    • Best consumed in warmer weather. During cold weather, it is best to consume hot beverages. Check out our blog and search for our warm Ojas drink.

    • Keep it simple! No more than 3 fruits. 

    • Refrain from mixing fruits with different qualities. Best to keep it to similars such as similar citrus, or similar berries. Apples and pears also go well together.

    • Add a little spice. We always suggest adding a bit of ginger to help aid digestion.

    • Do not combine both fruits and veggies.

What are your favourite juice and smoothie combinations?

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