Lakshmi Made Manomitram

July 30, 2020 1 min read

Lakshmi Made Manomitram

Do you find it difficult to concentrate, suffer from poor memory and are prone for depression?

These herbs might be very beneficial for you. ??

Today we are preparing a formulation with the following four ingredients????

Ashwagandha - a wonderful herb to calm the nervous system, improves muscle weakness and rejuvenates rasa, mamsa and shukra dhatu
Shatavari - nourishes all seven dhatus (bodily tissues), increases fertility, improves lactation. It is also useful in treating peptic ulcers, gastritis and acidity.

Brahmi - a rasayana for the mind, promotes intellect and boosts the memory, enhances awarness. a wonderful herb to rejuvenate Majja dhatu (the nervous system)

Sankhapusphi - improves clarity of the mind, expands awareness, used in the treatment for epilepsy

The combination of these four herbs is called Manomitram and it is helpful in:

?Depression and Anxiety

?Mental tension and worries

?old age, helps to strengthen memory

?improves concentration, autism

?beneficial in insomnia

?Rasayana (rejuvenation)

For more information or queries please email:

With love from your Lakshmi team ❤️
