Whats your favourite kitchen cookware?

October 05, 2022 1 min read

Whats your favourite kitchen cookware?
I love spending time in the kitchen. While preparing multiple dishes yesterday, I thought of my top 5 kitchenware.

Top 5 in the Lakshmi kitchen: 

1.Mortar and pestel - this is definetly my number one. I love using it, smelling the herbs when grinding and it feels so traditional.

2.Pressure cooker - this is an item we have added to our kitchen more recently and I absolutely Love it. So great for cooking legumes. It is used almost every day.

3.Roti maker - I use chapati dough to make little flat breads (so quickly). Also great to make a crisp bread. So much better then store bought bread!

4.Thermomix - this is definetly a great equipment to have. Great for soups, baking, grinding and so much more.

5. My 2 litre flask - I am in love with my thermos, it keeps my tea at a perfect temperature over 12 hours. You will see it in my consultation room. Its with me everyday.

I said top 5 but lets make it Top 6. and I will add my cold pressed juicer - I love making juices during the summer month. nothing better then a a beetroot, carrot ginger juice.

Would love to hear about your favourite kitchen essentials. Comment below.

With Love, Karin

PS: Happy cooking.


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