Prasuti Tantra and Women's Health

February 07, 2023 3 min read

Prasuti Tantra and Women's Health
A little write-up for the students of Ayurveda and classical Ayurveda Lovers.

Prasuti Tantra has always been a great interest of mine. I am very grateful to my teacher Dr Gayathri Bhat professor of Stri Roga and Prasuti Tantra. She has been so inspiring with her teachings and confidence in Ayurveda in the successful treatment of Yoni Vyapads and improving womens health. 

Ayurvedic texts discuss the subject of obstetrics and gynecology in various sections, with the category of 'Yonivyapads'  including diseases affecting female reproductive organs in a structral or functional manner.

The Acharyas agree on there being twenty  Yonivyapads which can be broadly correlated with modern disease categories. However, there is wide variation in regards to the clinical features described for each one by the various authors and other diseases are also described with 'yoni' as a prefix. Additionally, menstrual disorders are described, many of which have overlapping symptomatology with Yonivyapads.

Some classical references for Yonivyapads are Ch. Chi. 30, Sushrut Uttar tantra Ch. 38. 

In the 20 yonivyapads womens ailments such as oestrogen deficiency, endometriosis (vatala), pelvic inflammatory disease PID (paittiki) and trichomonas, white discharge (slaishmali), repeated miscarriage (putraghni), ammenorrhoea (arajaska), vaginal inflammation (aticharana), dysmenorrhoea (udavartini), retroversion of uterus (antarmukhi), uterine prolapse (maharoni)  …… are discussed.


Other classification of yonivyapad are on the doshic relation such as 

Vata, Pitta, kapha, Sannipatiki, Vata/Pitta, and Vata/Kapha. Charaka describes how vatiki, paittiki and slaismik and sannipatiki yonivyapad are due to vitiation of vata, pitta, kapha and tridosha respectively. The remaining 16 rogas are due to the interaction of dushyas with dosas. Sushruta, however, classifies five conditions due to vitiation of each dosha and five due to sannipatika.

All acharyas have agreed that there is no Yovivyapads without a vitiated Vata. “the genital organs of women do not get afflicted without the aggravated vayu” (Ch.Chi 30/115). 

This can be explained in that Vata's main sthana is the pakwashaya, with vitiated Vata covering Pitta in Arajaska (Secondary amenorrhoea) for example.

The nidana (causative factors) of yonivyapads are four in number (A.S.U. 38/32)

1. mithyahaara vihaara/ dushta bhojana. Abnormal diet and lifestyle, unclean food. 

2. Pradushta artava - hormonal changes, vitiated arthava/ menstrual blood.

3. Beeja dosha (defect ovum/ genetic).

4. Daiva - idiopathic cause.

General complications of untreated Yoni Vyapads include a women becoming “incapable of retaining the semen as a result of which she does not conceive. She becomes liable to many diseases like gulma, piles and menorrhagia (padara) because of the excessive affliction by vayu.” (Ch Chi 30/37-39).

Line of treatment Ch. Ch 30/115-116. Vata is the main dosha which is vitiated in almost all yoni vyapad. So Vata alleviating measures should be given such as oleation, swedana and basti. The administration of snehan, swedan followed by mridu samshodhana.

1. Nidana parivarjana/ eliminate any known causative factors.

2. Panchakarma virechana, basti and Nasya (the chief karma is both types of basti, Anuvasana and Niruha, all Acharyas agree that virechana is important except in Menorrhagia).

3. Uttara basti during rtukala between the fourth and the sixteenth day of the menses since the mouth of the uterus is open in this period, allowing absorption of dravyas.

4. Shamana (oral intake of ghrta with Jivaniya dravyas).

5. Pathyaapathya, wholesome diet A.S.U 39/72.

For more information about women’s health, have a look on our website or email us on

Private mentoring sessions are available. 

With Love Karin X

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