Did you know that many surgical techniques are dated back to Ayurvedic texts thousands of years ago?
Did you know that Sushruta, an author of classical Ayurvedic texts shown in this photo, is acknowledged for his contribution to surgery and is known as the father of surgery?
Thank you Dr Sateesh Kumar for sharing this photo located at the Royal Australian College of Surgery in Melbourne. How amazing to see modern medical institutions providing recognition to Sushruta as the father of surgery.
We recently had Dr. Shishir Prasad visiting from India sharing his depth of knowledge in Ayurveda and Marma therapy. Multiple times throughout his 2-day workshop, he referred to the wisdom of Sushruta.
It is recorded that Sushruta performed numerous plastic surgeries, rhinoplasty and other reconstructions, removal of cataracts and more – quite amazing and detailed instructions for thousands of years ago.
Sushruta mentioned different types of wounds and treatments in detail. Treatments included how to clean wounds, what to use as surgical tools, natural anaesthetics and more.
Fun Facts:
Ayurvedic surgery continues to take place in India to this day
Sushruta’s technique of plastic surgery continues to be used today(Su. Su.16)
Sushruta provided a professional code of conduct and ethics (Su. Su. 10)
He provided a division of procedures, into pre, main, and post-operative stages (Su.Su 5)
He has given detailed description of dissection of the human body
Sushruta provided a description of sharp and blunt instruments (Su.Su 14)
He gave detailed descriptions of Kshara, Agni (cautery) and Jalauka (leech) therapy (Su. Su 11.12.13)
The references above come from the Sushruta Samhita Sutrasthana. We suggest all students refer to these classical references.